
Showing posts from February, 2018

How to Become Mentally Strong: Embrace the Suck

How to Become Mentally Strong: Embrace the Suck David Goggins is often called the toughest athlete on the planet. He is a former Navy SEAL and has completed three hell weeks in a single year and holds the Guinness World Record for the highest number of pull-ups done in 24 hours. Coming from a tough and abusive childhood, he realized that joining the army was his only way of getting salvation and becoming mentally strong. Even when he had a hole in his heart, he was able to run over 100 miles in 24 hours with shin splints, ankles taped up, stress fractures, and peeing blood. He knows everything about embracing the suck. Here are five key lessons from David Goggins to become mentally strong.  How to Become Mentally Strong: Embrace the Suck David Goggins is often called the toughest athlete on the planet. He is a former Navy SEAL and has completed three hell weeks in a single year and holds the Guinness World Record for the highest number of pull...


WHY GET TESTED FOR HIV....? You should get tested if you’ve: had sex without a condom shared needles when injecting drugs put yourself at risk of HIV in any other way or are worried you might have. The only way to know if you have HIV is to get tested. A lot of people feel nervous about it, but the reasons to test far outweigh the reasons not to test. We look at the main reasons why you should get tested. It’s quick and easy Getting an HIV test is quick, easy and almost always free. It's also the only way to know for sure whether or not you have been infected and involves a quick saliva or blood test.  It’s better to know It's normal to feel worried about HIV. But why let yourself fear the unknown? Testing early for HIV can help put your mind at ease and reduce the anxiety of not knowing. Whether your result is negative, or positive, it's always better to know so that you can move on with your life, or start treatment if...


21 TOXIC THINGS YOU NEED TO STOP DOING IF YOU WANT TO LIVE A STRESS-FREE LIFE FEEL HAPPY AND STRESS-FREE: In today’s world it’s all too easy to get distracted from what’s truly important. Wherever you go. and whatever you do, you see messages designed to get you to perform a specific action and distract you from the fact that you are already whole. “No yesterdays are ever wasted for those who give themselves to today.” ~Brendan Francis There are no reminders to be mindful unless we create them. The responsibility is in your hands. Staying in the present moment can dramatically reduce stress, increase your happiness, and give you bursts of insight that might change your life. Ever since I’ve started becoming aware of my thoughts and staying in the now, my life has improved significantly, and I know yours will, too.  Here are a few down-to-earth tips on how to become more mindful to enhance your life:    1. NOTICE YOUR TENDENCIES. You and I, we both h...

How to Conduct yourself at Work Place ?

How to Conduct yourself at Work Place..? Conduct at workplace is of paramount importance. Our conduct reflects our behaviour and ultimately our actions at work which gets noticed. There are number of  corporate trainers in India  who specialize in facilitating professional development emphasising on corporate etiquette.Also the increasing significance of such soft skill training programs in India has resulted in increase in demand in Corporate trainings in the similar area. Let us discuss… how one should conduct themselves while being at work. Etiquette In The Office Office is the space where you spent more of the hours in a day, 20-24 days a month! It is this space where people make acquaintances and friends, colleagues and partners and many other relationships.Your workplace is the place where we need to be best behaved and show people the respect that we expect from them. Workplace Etiquette: Mind Your Manners! Imagine: Assistant Managers Kara...